Saturday, June 5, 2010

Flour Mites

Flour mites live in flour. And you don't want to eat them because, well, they're bugs! You know when flour mites are in your flour because your flour is bumpy and you might even see a little figure crawling through your flour.

I checked our flour out today with a magnifying glass (that I got at the Fort Worth Chilren's Museum yesterday!) because you can only see them with a magnifying glass. Flour mites are brownish-yellow. I did not see any in our flour. But Micah did.
This is what my book says they look like:
You should check your flour, too!


  1. Yuck! Thanks for checking our flour! I'm really glad you didn't find anything - and I'm not sure what Micah says he saw...

  2. Those are absolutely disgusting looking! I'm glad you posted a picture of them, because I was thinking about weevils when you were talking about flour mites...I'm thinking I'm NOT going to check my flour. Ever heard the phrase "Ignorance is bliss"? (Don't let that phrase effect your learning something new everyday, though!

  3. EWWWW i may need you to come and check my flour!!

  4. Wow, Conner! How come Micah saw some but you didn't? Maybe you should re-teach Micah what he is looking for. I'm gonna check my flour, though! thanks!

  5. Oh my! I'm so very glad I checked my e-mail tonight. I didn't know about flour mites. I sure wouldn't want to have bugs in my food-YUCK! Thank you for sharing this important information with all of us! We love you very much and are so proud of you! Keep up the good work;)
