Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Blooming Broccoli

I am interested in broccoli today because yesterday we were eating broccoli when me, Micah and Joey asked, "Are broccolis really trees?"

Mom said, "No, they're flowers."

Then we were all like "Cuckoo!"

Today I did some research (mostly here) and learned that broccolis really are flowers, not trees. And they actually turn out to be pretty. They are green with yellow petals.I learned that even after the broccoli flowers, it still tastes good. And if you cut the main head off of it when it's a flower and eat it, it grows a new one only not as big. It tastes just as good. (Or bad, if your opinion about broccoli is bad.)

Basil leaves keep away cabbage worms, because cabbage worms don't only eat cabbage. They eat broccoli and I think spinach. One of the reaons they eat broccoli is because I learned that broccoli is actually a type of cabbage. (I learned that just now from Mom.)

My opinion about broccoli is bad. (Unless it has Ranch on it!)


  1. I thought you LIKED broccoli Conner-bug!! I need to tell Yogi about basil keeping away cabbage worms. He's been using an organic spray...but our basil's been planted way far away from the broccoli...maybe there's more than one way to kill a cabbage worm!! (and, oh, did you know that cabbage worms grow up to be moths??)

  2. I'm glad that you're so quick to go and learn about the questions you have Conner-man. That is a very important thing to do. Lots of people don't do that...so they go through their life thinking their mom is "cuckoo!"

    By the way, I like the way you write on your blog. You write like you talk...and that will help you become a great writer (and a great talker!)

  3. And my "password" for leaving a comment (ask Mom, she'll tell you about those) was "frio none." Frio is Spanish for cold... none are cold this summer, huh?

  4. I was looking for a picture of blooming broccoli and found your blog. Thanks for the info and the great picture! One way I really like to eat broccoli is lightly steamed with melty cheese on it - try it! :) Lori
