Sunday, November 21, 2010


Crocodiles dont chew they eat rocks so the prey gets smashed up in there stumack. They use there teeth to grab there prey. I learned this one day when I was watching Diego.


  1. Wow Conner, I didn't know that crocodiles didn't chew with their teeth until you told me. Thanks for sharing such a cool scientific fact with us!

  2. That is very interesting! It makes me happy that you are interested in science :). I really like the background on your blog!
    Aunt Caroline

  3. That, my friend, is one cool fact! I know that I certainly don't want to end up in a crocodile's tummy! ...and Diego is a real expert! Love the scouting badges background you chose, too!

  4. Ewww, I don't think I want to be smashed by rocks or be in a croc's tummy and definitely not at the same time. Thanks for that very useful information;)
    Thanks for blogging again, I learn a lot on your blog!
    P.S. I love your new wallpaper.

  5. Glad you are back Conner-man. I don't think I've learned anything since you stopped teaching us this summer!
